Monday, February 2, 2009


i have a problem..

its called writers block..well not exactly,thing is im extremely lazy to go online n write..

it takes alotta effort u know(keep in mind that im a VERY lazy person)..i mean u gotta go on9,log in,think what your gonna write,stuff like that..

i mean it doesn't just come naturally for me,like other people..i get a little envyious(ok i dunno how to spell that so im just gonna pretend that its the right spelling) sometimes with other people's blog,its soooooo updated..

my lagging updates have caused my blog to lose its fan database,n now im starting to sound like a computer nerd..haha

people say write about your day la,what u did etc..but honestly isn't that for like diary kinda shiit..never had a diary so i wouldn't really know..

now i think there only a few people who read my blog n i can count them with one hand,not that it really matters that much but then again,kinda stings u in a way..

i got tagged recently in one of my frens blog,will post that up soon enough la,cant do it rite now cause its 3am n i have class at 8am later,need to get that sleep otherwise i'll miss it n get barred..running outta excuses to tell my lecturer as nice as he may seem(yes its a HE)..

tomorow night la i promise i'll update just smoking up the remains of my last marlboro cigarette right now before i go to sleep,at the same time im thinking isn't it bad to smoke before u go to sleep??

aaah wat the hell,might as well goo the whole nine yards rite..

peace :)

p/s:the smiley at the end doesn't really expresses my current mood right now,feeling actually the opposite of that..long story,haih another this blogging thing is getting on my nerve..

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