Friday, February 27, 2009


this is what i am   ..

Stock Image - bowl with marshmallow  candies. fotosearch  - search stock  photos, pictures,  images, and photo  clipart

cool huh :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

this is for you bro :)

yeah so basically thanks to Harris, you all can just go along n call me..

yeah dats for you bro.
enjoy it while it lasts.

Friday, February 20, 2009

in the moment

i was on the phone with my gurl-fren n we had this convo that just cheered me up instantaneuosly..
i just love it when she does this..

me : wei,i need to study la..but aku xde mood doh
tress : jgn mcm2 dai..get it x?
me : wats dai?
tress : u said xde mood nak study that's short for 'bodoh' i said dai,short for 'pandai'
me : hahahahahaha..*LMAO*
tress : yey u get it..haha

damn it ur priceless..haha

Monday, February 16, 2009

im only doing this cuz Fats tagged me :D

Here ya go,100 it really 100??

Last beverage 
→ coke. diet.

Last phone call 
→ sheyra

Last instant message 
→ wanna go to melakau man? :D

Last song you listened to 
→ shaggy..cant remember the title tho :(

Last time you cried 
→ looooooooooooooooooong time ago..


Dated someone twice 
→ yes

Been cheated on 
→ no..they just love me too much :p

Kissed someone & regretted it 
→ ahuh :o

Lost someone special
→ yeah :(


Fallen out of love 
→ heh?

Laughed until you cried 
→ no..

Met someone who changed your life 
→ idk

Have you kissed anyone on your top friends? 
→ do i look like i have one? 0_o

How many ppl on your top friends do you know in real life? 
→ refer above..

How many kids do you want to have 
→ boy one girl

Do you have any pets 
→ fuck u FATS..haha 

Do you want to change your name 
→ why?

What time did you wake up today 
→ 8....AM...OMG!!

What were you doing at midnight last night 
→ goin crazy..haha

Name something you CANNOT wait for 
→ to go back n study herbology wit FATS :D

Last time you saw your father
→ few weeks back..

What's one thing you wish you could change 
→ this question -_-'

Have you ever talked to a person named Tom 
→ no..

What's getting on your nerves right now 
→ f-ing sleepy..

What's your real name 
→ Hazman Dani..nuff said

Zodiac Sign
→ leo *rawwwrrr*

High School
→ SMK Seaport/Sri Permata

Hair color 
→ black

Long or short 
→ short 

Are you a health freak 
→ nope

Righty or lefty 
→ i write wit my right n kick wit my left..coolio :)


First surgery 
→ 14..i had sinus

First piercing 
→ never ever..ugly bodoh

First best friend(s) 
→ Norazim Yadiyy..he was my neighbour

First sport you joined 
→ sleeping :P

First pet 
→ Harris a.k.a Fats,Fatty, etc.

First vacation 
→ can't remember

First crush 
→ very early,in kindergarden..i was 6 i think


→ nothin

→ nothin

→ for time to stop/freeze


Want kids? 
→ refer above :D

Want to get married?
→ duhh..

Careers in mind? 
→ the one where u sit around n do nothin n stil get $10000 everyday..yup that one :D


Kissed a stranger 
→ yeah :D

Lost glasses/contacts 
→ nope

Ran away from home 
→ no..

Broken someone's heart 
→ yes..terribly sorry bout that :(

Been arrested 
→ nope

Turned someone down 
→ haha yeah but mostly i dont even realise when i do it

Cried when someone died 
→ no..i have a stone heart..


→ sometimes

→ it can happen

Love at first sight 
→ cock n bulls

→ yeah

Santa Claus 
→ do i look 7 yrs old to u???

Kiss on the first date 
→ eyah..

→ yea


Is there one person you want to be with right now? 
→ idk

Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time 
→ yeah..

Do you believe in God? 
→ yess

i lazy wanna tag people can not?
ok ok la i tag azrina,tressa,n whoever who reads this shit..

adios amigos :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

damn tagged again..

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random thing, habits or goals that you have. At the end, choose at least six people to tag, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them about the tag. You can’t tag the person who tagged you.

1.i started saying the word 'douche' first then HARRIS started copying me..douche! only creative during certain times,its like it comes when it has too..

3.due to contrary belief, i am NOT HARRIS's lets him sleep thinking so.

4.honestly,i dont think bout usefull stuff anymore,i just stare into blank space..hmmm

5.i use to love looking at the stars and think..bout stuff one point in my life,i actually wanted to be a police..dayyum

7.i once used to b a real nerd & geek..straight A's student..wat happen now la..haha

8.used to have no problem with frens,but now the real ones are surfacing n i know who i should actually bother about

9.i just recently turned down an oppurtunity to ask a chick for her no cuz i chickened out

10.damn why did i do that,should've just done it..

11.i seem to have a way with words that i don't even realize..confessions of from other people not mine

12.i need to lose weight n start working out,cuz rite now this body is just not working a very shy person..

14.but however if motivated i can come up with things even a natural cant do..HAHA

15.i love it when a girl kisses me spontaneously,anywhere anytime,just one smooch is enough to make me feel.........u know what i mean :)

16.i cherish my frens n trust easily,so don't misuse it. 

17. im adding another one,woohoo..i like to eat bread tosted with garlic n then spread with kaya jem..delich,serious..

so now im gonna tag =D

NO ONE.... (-_-)

Friday, February 6, 2009

How to date a Sober :p

im doing this just to respond to Mr. H post on "How to date a stoner"
im not encouraging this too,just wanted to see how people would react

haha :p


1. sobers are never only in their own world,their into everybody' never assume that he might ave missed that harsh remark u made bout his best fren

2. if u want him to be permanent,better make him like ur frens,cause if he doesn't ur stuck with a dillema..cause a sober WILL make u choose, bro's or ho's??

3. a sober will choose YOU over alcohol,drugs n guys in a do appreciate :)

4. sober's are a bore,tensed and very anxious people to be around with..beware!

5. contrary to popular belief, not all sober's are succesfull,organised and has a bright future..he can just be more fucked up then a stoner or drinker

6. sober's are almost always pissed off at something. its because their not taking time to enjoy life and just ride the ride x)

7. if a sober picks up weed after meeting u, he/she MAY NEVER WANT TO SPEND HIS/HER LIFE WITH YOU EVER..(seriously)

8. lastly, never research bout sober's cause its just impossible..their very unpredictable,u never know when their gonna dump u for mary.j or liquor..hahaha

i did this yeah cause obviously i had nothing to do and i just wanted to annoy my good fren Mr. H..

haha damn i have no life..

Thursday, February 5, 2009


i sprained my knee during rugby practise yesterday..

was my own doing,i was running towards an opponent(who was my fren since it was training anyway) n i sorta step on my knee to hard making it go inwards..yeah i heard a cracking sound,the first 10 minutes it hurt like hell n my knee was shaking..

but after awhile it subsided,but after that i couldn't walk straight..
being the guy i couldn't "manja" kan the pain so much,at least i can still walk..

but i did go to the clinic today to get MC..ahaha can skip hurts la but its not that bad,i can just withstand it but i'd rather just rest..

why???? cuz now its swollen,n i cant actually bend it or making it straight..feels numb sometimes

anyway enough bout my knee,tmr i need to go see 2 lecturers to present my MC slip,n apologize for skipping so many classes(haiz another bad habit)..

oh n to tressa n sheyra,im sorry i didnt go for the AGM tonite,again my knee,doc said don't exert..sorry aite??

im suppose to train my juniors for their upcoming debate competetion but i don't know a thing bout training them,i could use some training myself..cuz i SUCK..bigtime!!

peace :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

get stupid

have you all watched 'Get Smart'...

well if u havent u should,u don't know what ur missing..

i just love this line from the movie

max : chief,are u thinking what im thinking?

chief : i don't know..where u thinking holy shit holy shit holy shit a swordfish just almost went through my head..if so then yes

LMAO..seriously hilarious

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

grumble..part 2

im having that feeling again..

i hate this feeling,its like shit..

imagine your the titanic n your sinking down the ocean with nothing you can do to save yourself..

just sinking.....and sinking....still sinking.....

it seems endless,i hate feeling like this,n i cant talk to anyone bout it,done that to many times.

doesn't really solve anything,supposedly to look into my soul and look for answers but come on
who really believes in that Buddha philosophy crap.

what i gotta to not feel this way,what i gotta do to make u go away..

perhaps i need my to hang with my bro's - Mr.Green & Mr.H
guys i'll be back..ahahahaha

Monday, February 2, 2009

cold =0

its 3.15 am..

am freaking cold..

its like genting up in here..

the fan is like blasting at no. 5

i wish i had u my body warmer/cuddle buddy/sweater..

i wish i had u baby..

miss u :(


i have a problem..

its called writers block..well not exactly,thing is im extremely lazy to go online n write..

it takes alotta effort u know(keep in mind that im a VERY lazy person)..i mean u gotta go on9,log in,think what your gonna write,stuff like that..

i mean it doesn't just come naturally for me,like other people..i get a little envyious(ok i dunno how to spell that so im just gonna pretend that its the right spelling) sometimes with other people's blog,its soooooo updated..

my lagging updates have caused my blog to lose its fan database,n now im starting to sound like a computer nerd..haha

people say write about your day la,what u did etc..but honestly isn't that for like diary kinda shiit..never had a diary so i wouldn't really know..

now i think there only a few people who read my blog n i can count them with one hand,not that it really matters that much but then again,kinda stings u in a way..

i got tagged recently in one of my frens blog,will post that up soon enough la,cant do it rite now cause its 3am n i have class at 8am later,need to get that sleep otherwise i'll miss it n get barred..running outta excuses to tell my lecturer as nice as he may seem(yes its a HE)..

tomorow night la i promise i'll update just smoking up the remains of my last marlboro cigarette right now before i go to sleep,at the same time im thinking isn't it bad to smoke before u go to sleep??

aaah wat the hell,might as well goo the whole nine yards rite..

peace :)

p/s:the smiley at the end doesn't really expresses my current mood right now,feeling actually the opposite of that..long story,haih another this blogging thing is getting on my nerve..